



by Sergi Belbel at Tobacco Factory Theatres/Bristol School of Acting

The staging is a is amazing how versatile the stage becomes with only a simple few changes.
— Bristol 24/7

Absurd, dark and slightly uncomfortable, Blood is a gripping watch where you’ll never expect what might happen next.
— Bristol 24/7

Each member of the cast gives a strong performance. The Lover’s (Shelena Artman) emotional breakdown after receiving a suspicious parcel is pitch-perfect to the strange situation, while The Boy (Peter Stables) awkwardly bumbling his way through a first encounter with a girl he shares a bench has the crowd nearly rolling on the floor laughing.
— Bristol 24/7

From the get-go, The Woman (Aroob) treads the fine line between terror and comedy, as she goes from questioning her surroundings to explaining the absurdity of having to defecate on the side of the stage in front of one of her captors.
— Bristol 24/7