
Rough Girls


Rough Girls

by Tara Lynne O'Neill at Royal Birmingham Conservatoire

Better to be pissed off than pissed on.
— Mrs O, Act 2 Scene 8

My granny used to say ‘Ireland will be free when the drink runs dry.’ Suppose...he’s only doing his bit for the country.
— Gertie, Act 2 Scene 3

History don’t pay the money lender. There’s half a shilling and hang on...yep, I’ll pay ya the rest with HISTORY? No one gives a fiddle that we play football. That’s why they can ban us. We’ll be in no ‘history’ books. For what? Kicking a ball? This is Belfast. No one gives a shit what happens here.
— Tilly, Act Two Scene 3

I’ve got a bone to pick with women here,
The way that you came on this earth’s rather queer.
Your place in this world, you’re too fond of your kind.
Though you’re but a rib taken from Adam’s side.
— She, Act One Scene 7